Captured Hi-C data analysis

How we use HiCExplorer to analyse cHi-C data

This How-to is based on the published dataset from Andrey et al. 2017. For the tutorial, we use the samples FL-E13.5 and MB-E-10.5.

Download the raw data

Please download the raw data via the following links or via NCBI GSE84795 .

















Map the files with a mapper of your choice against the mm9 reference genome; as an example, the mapping with bowtie2 is shown.

bowtie2 -x mm9_index --threads 8 -U SRR3950565_1.fastq.gz --reorder | samtools view -Shb - > SRR3950565_1.bam
bowtie2 -x mm9_index --threads 8 -U SRR3950565_2.fastq.gz --reorder | samtools view -Shb - > SRR3950565_2.bam
bowtie2 -x mm9_index --threads 8 -U SRR3950566_1.fastq.gz --reorder | samtools view -Shb - > SRR3950566_1.bam
bowtie2 -x mm9_index --threads 8 -U SRR3950566_2.fastq.gz --reorder | samtools view -Shb - > SRR3950566_2.bam
bowtie2 -x mm9_index --threads 8 -U SRR3950559_1.fastq.gz --reorder | samtools view -Shb - > SRR3950559_1.bam
bowtie2 -x mm9_index --threads 8 -U SRR3950559_2.fastq.gz --reorder | samtools view -Shb - > SRR3950559_2.bam
bowtie2 -x mm9_index --threads 8 -U SRR3950560_1.fastq.gz --reorder | samtools view -Shb - > SRR3950560_1.bam
bowtie2 -x mm9_index --threads 8 -U SRR3950560_2.fastq.gz --reorder | samtools view -Shb - > SRR3950560_2.bam

Create cHi-C matrices

To create a cHi-C matrix we use HiCExplorer’s hicBuildMatrix for each replicate separately and merge the replicates into a single matrix later. Like Andrey et al., we use a resolution of 1kb and use the restriction enzyme DpnII.

hicBuildMatrix --samFiles SRR3950565_1.bam SRR3950565_2.bam  --binSize 1000 --restrictionSequence GATC --outFileName --QCfolder SRR3950565_QC --threads 6
hicBuildMatrix --samFiles SRR3950566_1.bam SRR3950566_2.bam  --binSize 1000 --restrictionSequence GATC --outFileName --QCfolder SRR3950566_QC --threads 6
hicBuildMatrix --samFiles SRR3950559_1.bam SRR3950559_2.bam  --binSize 1000 --restrictionSequence GATC --outFileName --QCfolder SRR3950559_QC --threads 6
hicBuildMatrix --samFiles SRR3950560_1.bam SRR3950560_2.bam  --binSize 1000 --restrictionSequence GATC --outFileName --QCfolder SRR3950560_QC --threads 6
hicSumMatrix --matrices --outFileName
hicSumMatrix --matrices --outFileName

Terminology: Reference point vs viewpoint

A reference point is one single genomic position i.e. chr1 500 510 is a reference point. A viewpoint is in contrast the region defined by the reference point and the up and downstream range, i.e. range 100 and reference point chr1 50 70 leads to the viewpoint chr1 400 610.

Creation of reference point file

Andrey et al. state that they used a total of 460 reference points, but that 24 were removed due to low sequence coverage or non-correspondence to a promoter region, leading to 446 in total.

To reproduce this, we need all reference points which are published in Supplementary Table S2 and S8.

It is simplest to create the reference point file in the following format using Excel and store it as a tab separated file:

chr1        4487435 4487435 Sox17

Otherwise, just download the prepared file. We will do the quality control on our own and compare with the results of Andrey et al.

Quality control

As a first step we compute the quality of each viewpoint by considering the sparsity. As soon as one viewpoint in one sample is less than the user-defined threshold (–sparsity), the reference point is no longer considered.

chicQualityControl -m -rp reference_points.bed --sparsity 0.025 --threads 20

The quality control creates five files: two plots showing the sparsity structure of the samples and three files containing the accepted reference points, the rejected ones and one file with all viewpoints and their sparsity level per sample.

In our example the plots look like the following:

../_images/sparsity.png ../_images/histogram.png

The first plot shows the sparsity per sample for each viewpoint, while the second one shows the sparsity distribution as a histogram. It can be seen quite clearly that only a minority of the samples are really sparse and therefore need to be removed. The red line indicates the chosen sparsity level.

The reference point Tdap2b at chr1 19198995, which has a sparsity of 0.018 in FL-E13-5 and 0.016 in MB-E10-5, is considered to be of bad quality. To confirm this result we plot the viewpoint:


The plot shows there are effectively no interactions except with the reference point itself and confirm the point should be removed from the data.

The result of the quality control rejected 71 reference points as too sparse, but surprisingly the viewpoints rejected by Andrey et al. are accepted. An explanation for this could be that we only consider two samples and not all samples used by Andrey, and therefore we missed the bad quality of some viewpoints.

Please consider that this bad viewpoint was selected arbitrary out of the sample data and is only an example.

Download the data: Filtered reference points, Quality control raw data and rejected reference points.

Background model

The background model computes all viewpoints given by the reference points for both samples in a range defined by the parameter fixateRange. We recommend setting it to 500kb because real interactions above the range are rarely observed and very low interaction numbers such as 1 are already considered to be significant. With this setting, only the interactions in a range 500kb up- and downstream of the reference point are considered for each viewpoint. Based on this data, two background models are computed; the first one computes the average per relative distance to the reference point, and secondly, a negative binomial distribution per relative distance to the reference point is fitted. This first model is used for filtering in the significant interaction evaluation by an x-fold factor and for plotting. The negative binomial model is more important; it is used to compute a p-value per relative distance in each sample, which is used to make the decision if an interaction is considered as significant.

chicViewpointBackgroundModel -m --fixateRange 500000 -t 20 -rp reference_points.bed -o background_model.bed

The background model looks like this:

Relative position   size nbinom     prob nbinom     max value       mean value
-500000             75.895607451213 0.998528939430  2.333333333333  0.000101543771
-499000             90.348171762247 0.998725799952  2.750000000000  0.000104681360
-498000             78.512621775755 0.998514111424  2.800000000000  0.000106107536
-497000             75.706478185610 0.998327784087  3.800000000000  0.000116147819

You can download the background model.

Viewpoint computation

In this step the viewpoints for each reference point listed in a reference_points.bed-file is extracted from the interaction matrix, using the quality controlled file created by chicQualityControl. The up- and downstream range can be given via –range upstream downstream. Please use the same value for –fixateRange as in the background model computation. For each relative distance the x-fold over the average value of this relative distance is computed and each location is assigned a p-value based on the background negative binomial distribution for this relative distance. For each viewpoint one viewpoint file is created and stored in the folder given by the parameter –outputFolder.

chicViewpoint -m --averageContactBin 5 --range 1000000 1000000 -rp referencePoints.bed -bmf background_model.bed --writeFileNamesToFile interactionFiles.txt --outputFolder interactionFilesFolder --fixateRange 500000 --threads 20

The name of each viewpoint file starts with its sample name (given by the name of the matrix), the exact location and the gene / promoter name. For example, the viewpoint chr1 4487435 4487435 Sox17 from matrix will be called MB-E10-5_chr1_4487435_4487435_Sox17.bed and looks like the following:

# Interaction file, created with HiCExplorer's chicViewpoint version 3.2
# chr1_4487435_4487435    3.49  Mbp       5.49  Mbp       Sox17   Sum of interactions in fixate range: 978.0
# Chromosome    Start   End     Gene    Sum of interactions     Relative position       Relative Interactions   p-value x-fold  Raw
chr1    3487000 3488000 Sox17   978.0   -1000000        0.000000000000  0.894286365313  0.000000000000  0.000000000000
chr1    3488000 3489000 Sox17   978.0   -999000 0.000000000000  0.894286365313  0.000000000000  0.000000000000
chr1    3489000 3490000 Sox17   978.0   -998000 0.000000000000  0.894286365313  0.000000000000  0.000000000000
chr1    3490000 3491000 Sox17   978.0   -997000 0.000000000000  0.894286365313  0.000000000000  0.000000000000
chr1    3491000 3492000 Sox17   978.0   -996000 0.000000000000  0.894286365313  0.000000000000  0.000000000000
chr1    3492000 3493000 Sox17   978.0   -995000 0.000000000000  0.894286365313  0.000000000000  0.000000000000
chr1    3493000 3494000 Sox17   978.0   -994000 0.000000000000  0.894286365313  0.000000000000  0.000000000000
chr1    3494000 3495000 Sox17   978.0   -993000 0.000000000000  0.894286365313  0.000000000000  0.000000000000
chr1    3495000 3496000 Sox17   978.0   -992000 0.000000000000  0.894286365313  0.000000000000  0.000000000000
chr1    3496000 3497000 Sox17   978.0   -991000 0.000000000000  0.894286365313  0.000000000000  0.000000000000

Each file contains a header with information about the HiCExplorer version used, the sample, the viewpoint and the content of the different columns.

If the parameter –writeFileNamesToFile is set, the viewpoint file names are written to a file which can be used for batch processing in the later steps. Each sample is combined with every other sample for each viewpoint to enable the batch processing for the differential analysis. Example: matrices and with the three reference points:


Significant interactions detection

To detect significant interactions and to prepare a target file for each viewpoint which will be used for the differential analysis, the script chicSignificantInteractions is used. It offers two modes: either the user can specify an x-fold value or a loose p-value. The first one considers all interactions with a minimum x-fold over the average background for its relative distribution as a candidate or secondly, all interactions with a loose p-value or less are considered. These are preselection steps to be able to detect wider peaks in the same way as sharp ones. All detected candidates are merged to one peak if they are direct neighbors, and the sum of all interaction values of this neighborhood is used to compute a new p-value. The p-value is computed based on the relative distance negative binomial distribution of the interaction with the original highest interaction value. All peaks considered are accepted as significant interactions if their p-value is as small as the threshold –pvalue.

To exclude interactions with an interaction value smaller than desired the parameter –peakInteractionsThreshold can be set.

In this example we use the reference point Mstn at location chr1 53118507, a loose p-value of 0.1 and p-value of 0.01:

chicSignificantInteractions --interactionFile interactionFilesFolder/FL-E13-5_chr1_53118507_53118507_Mstn.bed -bmf background_model.bed --range 1000000 1000000 --pValue 0.01 --loosePValue 0.1

This creates two files:


These files are stored in the folders given by the parameters –targetFolder and –outputFolder.

The significant interaction files looks like the following:

#     chr1_53118507_53118507  52.12  Mbp      54.12  Mbp      Mstn    Sum of interactions in fixate range: 1517.0
#Chromosome Start   End     Gene    Sum of interactions     Relative position       Relative interactions   p-value x-fold  Raw target
chr1        53318000        53321000        Mstn    1517.0  200000  0.00395517468600000040  0.00000145009991170397  8.37043994897500098773  6.00000000000000000000
chr1        53329000        53334000        Mstn    1517.0  212000  0.01081081081000000166  0.00000000000000188738  22.37661518795599846499 16.39999999999999857891
chr1        53348000        53350000        Mstn    1517.0  231000  0.00329597890600000004  0.00001463968364323609  7.37204640642899988734  5.00000000000000000000
chr1        53351000        53359000        Mstn    1517.0  239000  0.01437046802899999941  0.00000000000000099920  34.20972383882499912033 21.80000000000000071054
chr1        53393000        53401000        Mstn    1517.0  278000  0.01793012524599999977  0.00000000000000044409  48.20518935066399990319 27.19999999999999928946
chr1        53408000        53420000        Mstn    1517.0  294000  0.02307185234000000418  0.00000000000001743050  68.05162660125500906361 35.00000000000000000000

The target file looks like:

# Significant interactions result file of HiCExplorer's chicSignificantInteractions version 3.2-dev
# targetFolder/FL-E13-5_chr1_53118507_53118507_Mstn_target.bed
# Mode: loose p-value with 0.1
# Used p-value: 0.01
chr1        53318000        53321000
chr1        53329000        53334000
chr1        53348000        53359000
chr1        53393000        53401000
chr1        53408000        53420000

Batch mode

The batch mode supports the computation of many viewpoints at once and is able to create one target list for the same viewpoint and two (or n) samples. To do the batch computation the parameter –batchMode needs to be added and the folder of the viewpoint files needs to be defined. In addition, the list of viewpoints created by chicViewpoint with –writeFileNamesToFile needs to be used as input. One target file is created for n consecutive lines and can be defined via the –computeSampleNumber parameter. However, for the differential test where the target file is needed, only two samples and one target file is supported.

chicSignificantInteractions --interactionFile interactionFiles.txt --interactionFileFolder interactionFilesFolder/  -bmf background_model.bed --range 1000000 1000000 --pValue 0.01 --loosePValue 0.1 --batchMode

The output is:

  • A folder containing all target files, name defined by –targetFolder, default value is targetFolder

  • A folder with all significant interaction files, name defined by –outputFolder, default value is significantFiles

  • A list containing the file names of all target files, name defined by –targetFileList, default value is targetList.txt

  • A list containing the file names of all significant interaction files, name defined by –writeFileNamesToFile, default value is significantFilesBatch.txt

Aggregate data for differential test

The process to aggregate data is only necessary if the differential test is used. Either two files and one target list are used to generate the files for the differential test or the batch mode can be used. chicAggregateStatistic takes the created viewpoint files from chicViewpoint as input and either the target files per two samples created by chicSignificantInteractions or one target file which applies for all viewpoints.

chicAggregateStatistic --interactionFile interactionFilesFolder/FL-E13-5_chr1_53118507_53118507_Mstn.bed interactionFilesFolder/MB-E10-5_chr1_53118507_53118507_Mstn.bed --targetFile targetFolder/FL-E13-5_MB-E10-5_chr1_53118507_53118507_Mstn_target.bed

It selects the original data based on the target locations and returns one file per sample which is used for the differential test.

Batch mode

In the batch mode the interaction file is the file containing the viewpoint file names, the folder needs to be defined by –interactionFileFolder, the same applies to the target file and folder. Two viewpoint files are match with one target file created by chicSignificantInteractions or one target file for all viewpoints. Please notice the output files are written to the folder name defined by –outputFolder, the default is aggregatedFiles and it is recommended to write the file names for further batch processing with hicDifferentialTest to –writeFileNamesToFile. All output files get the suffix defined by –outFileNameSuffix, default value is _aggregate_target.bed.

chicAggregateStatistic --interactionFile interactionFiles.txt --interactionFileFolder interactionFilesFolder --targetFile targetList.txt --targetFileFolder targetFolder --batchMode

Differential test

The differential test tests the interaction value of the reference point and the interaction value of the target of two samples for a differential expression. To achieve this, either Fisher’s test or the chi-squared test can be used. H0 is defined as ‘both locations are equal’, meaning the differential expressed targets can be found in the H0 rejected file.

This can be computed per sample:

chicDifferentialTest --interactionFile aggregatedFiles/FL-E13-5_chr1_53118507_53118507_Mstn__aggregate_target.bed aggregatedFiles/MB-E10-5_chr1_53118507_53118507_Mstn__aggregate_target.bed --alpha 0.05 --statisticTest fisher

Or via batch mode:

chicDifferentialTest --interactionFile aggregatedFilesBatch.txt --interactionFileFolder aggregatedFiles --alpha 0.05 --statisticTest fisher --batchMode --threads 20

In both cases it is important to set the desired alpha value and the output is written to –outputFolder (default differentialResults). For each sample three files are created:

  • H0 rejected targets

  • H0 accepted targets

  • one file containing both

In the batch mode, the file –rejectedFileNamesToFile is also written and contains the file names of the rejected files. This can be used for the batch processing mode of chicPlotViewpoint.

# Differential analysis result file of HiCExplorer's chicDifferentialTest version 3.2-dev
# This file contains the p-values computed by fisher test
# To test the smoothed (float) values they were rounded up to the next integer
# Alpha level 0.05
# Degrees of freedom 1
#     chr1_53118507_53118507  52.12  Mbp      54.12  Mbp      Mstn    Sum of interactions in fixate range: 1517.0
#     chr1_53118507_53118507  52.12  Mbp      54.12  Mbp      Mstn    Sum of interactions in fixate range: 1670.0
#Chromosome Start   End     Gene    Relative distance       sum of interactions 1   target_1 raw    sum of interactions 2   target_2 raw    p-value
chr1        53089000        53091000        Mstn    -28000  1517.00000      5.00000 1670.00000      10.40000                0.21800
chr1        53131000        53133000        Mstn    14000   1517.00000      18.20000        1670.00000      23.60000                0.75900
chr1        53156000        53158000        Mstn    39000   1517.00000      3.00000 1670.00000      10.80000                0.06117
chr1        53251000        53254000        Mstn    135000  1517.00000      4.00000 1670.00000      9.60000         0.18614
chr1        53287000        53291000        Mstn    172000  1517.00000      7.20000 1670.00000      15.00000                0.29506
chr1        53305000        53309000        Mstn    190000  1517.00000      6.20000 1670.00000      12.40000                0.36952
chr1        53318000        53321000        Mstn    202000  1517.00000      6.00000 1670.00000      3.20000         0.53309
chr1        53326000        53334000        Mstn    215000  1517.00000      25.80000        1670.00000      22.60000                0.47374
chr1        53346000        53359000        Mstn    240000  1517.00000      31.60000        1670.00000      22.20000                0.13464
chr1        53408000        53421000        Mstn    302000  1517.00000      36.40000        1670.00000      28.20000                0.21290
# Differential analysis result file of HiCExplorer's chicDifferentialTest version 3.2-dev
# This file contains the p-values computed by fisher test
# To test the smoothed (float) values they were rounded up to the next integer
# Alpha level 0.05
# Degrees of freedom 1
#     chr1_53118507_53118507  52.12  Mbp      54.12  Mbp      Mstn    Sum of interactions in fixate range: 1517.0
#     chr1_53118507_53118507  52.12  Mbp      54.12  Mbp      Mstn    Sum of interactions in fixate range: 1670.0
#Chromosome Start   End     Gene    Relative distance       sum of interactions 1   target_1 raw    sum of interactions 2   target_2 raw    p-value
chr1        53393000        53401000        Mstn    282000  1517.00000      27.20000        1670.00000      6.40000         0.00012
# Differential analysis result file of HiCExplorer's chicDifferentialTest version 3.2-dev
# This file contains the p-values computed by fisher test
# To test the smoothed (float) values they were rounded up to the next integer
# Alpha level 0.05
# Degrees of freedom 1
#     chr1_53118507_53118507  52.12  Mbp      54.12  Mbp      Mstn    Sum of interactions in fixate range: 1517.0
#     chr1_53118507_53118507  52.12  Mbp      54.12  Mbp      Mstn    Sum of interactions in fixate range: 1670.0
#Chromosome Start   End     Gene    Relative distance       sum of interactions 1   target_1 raw    sum of interactions 2   target_2 raw    p-value
chr1        53089000        53091000        Mstn    -28000  1517.00000      5.00000 1670.00000      10.40000                0.21800
chr1        53131000        53133000        Mstn    14000   1517.00000      18.20000        1670.00000      23.60000                0.75900
chr1        53156000        53158000        Mstn    39000   1517.00000      3.00000 1670.00000      10.80000                0.06117
chr1        53251000        53254000        Mstn    135000  1517.00000      4.00000 1670.00000      9.60000         0.18614
chr1        53287000        53291000        Mstn    172000  1517.00000      7.20000 1670.00000      15.00000                0.29506
chr1        53305000        53309000        Mstn    190000  1517.00000      6.20000 1670.00000      12.40000                0.36952
chr1        53318000        53321000        Mstn    202000  1517.00000      6.00000 1670.00000      3.20000         0.53309
chr1        53326000        53334000        Mstn    215000  1517.00000      25.80000        1670.00000      22.60000                0.47374
chr1        53346000        53359000        Mstn    240000  1517.00000      31.60000        1670.00000      22.20000                0.13464
chr1        53393000        53401000        Mstn    282000  1517.00000      27.20000        1670.00000      6.40000         0.00012
chr1        53408000        53421000        Mstn    302000  1517.00000      36.40000        1670.00000      28.20000                0.21290

Plotting of Viewpoints

chicPlotViewpoint can plot n viewpoints in one plot, add the mean background, show the p-value per relative distance per sample as an additional heatmap bar and highlight significant interactions or differential expressed regions.

One viewpoint:

chicPlotViewpoint --interactionFile interactionFilesFolder/FL-E13-5_chr1_53118507_53118507_Mstn.bed --range 200000 200000 -o single_plot.png

Two viewpoints, background, differential expression and p-values:

chicPlotViewpoint --interactionFile interactionFilesFolder/FL-E13-5_chr1_53118507_53118507_Mstn.bed interactionFilesFolder/MB-E10-5_chr1_53118507_53118507_Mstn.bed --range 300000 300000 --pValue --differentialTestResult differentialResults/FL-E13-5_MB-E10-5_chr1_53118507_53118507_Mstn__H0_rejected.bed --backgroundModelFile background_model.bed -o differential_background_pvalue.png

Two viewpoints, background, significant interactions and p-values:

chicPlotViewpoint --interactionFile interactionFilesFolder/FL-E13-5_chr1_53118507_53118507_Mstn.bed interactionFilesFolder/MB-E10-5_chr1_53118507_53118507_Mstn.bed --range 300000 300000 --pValue --significantInteractions significantFiles/FL-E13-5_chr1_53118507_53118507_Mstn__significant_interactions.bed significantFiles/MB-E10-5_chr1_53118507_53118507_Mstn__significant_interactions.bed --backgroundModelFile background_model.bed -o significant_background_pvalue.png

Batch mode

The batch mode is able to plot files under the same parameter setting for multiple viewpoints. These viewpoints are given by the file created by chicViewpoint with –writeFileNamesToFile parameter. The number of consecutive lines which should be plotted to one image can be defined using –plotSampleNumber. If the differentially expressed regions should be highlighted, setting this parameter to 2 is recommended.

For all modes the principle of a file containing the file names and a folder containing them applies for the plotting too, and using all cores available is highly recommended.

chicPlotViewpoint --interactionFile interactionFiles.txt --interactionFileFolder interactionFilesFolder/ --range 300000 300000 --pValue --significantInteractions significantFilesBatch.txt --significantInteractionFileFolder significantFiles --backgroundModelFile background_model.bed --outputFolder plots --threads 20 --batchMode