
Computes PCA eigenvectors for a Hi-C matrix.

$ hicPCA –matrix hic_matrix.h5 -o pca1.bedgraph pca2.bedgraph

usage: hicPCA --matrix MATRIX --outputFileName OUTPUTFILENAME
              [OUTPUTFILENAME ...]
              [--numberOfEigenvectors NUMBEROFEIGENVECTORS]
              [--format {bedgraph,bigwig}]
              [--chromosomes CHROMOSOMES [CHROMOSOMES ...]] [--norm]
              [--extraTrack EXTRATRACK] [--histonMarkType HISTONMARKTYPE]
              [--pearsonMatrix PEARSONMATRIX] [--obsexpMatrix OBSEXPMATRIX]
              [--ignoreMaskedBins] [--help] [--version]

Required arguments

--matrix, -m

HiCExplorer matrix in h5 format.

--outputFileName, -o

File names for the result of the pca.Number of output file must match the number of computed eigenvectors.

Default: [‘pca1’, ‘pca2’]

Optional arguments

--numberOfEigenvectors, -noe

The number of eigenvectors that the PCA should compute.

Default: 2

--format, -f

Possible choices: bedgraph, bigwig

output format. Either bedgraph or bigwig.

Default: “bigwig”


List of chromosomes to be included in the correlation.


Different obs-exp normalization as used by Homer software.

Default: False


Either a gene track or a histon mark coverage file(preferably a broad mark) is needed to decide if the values of the eigenvector need a sign flip or not.


set it to active or inactive. This is only necessary if a histon mark coverage file is given as an extraTrack.

Default: “active”

--pearsonMatrix, -pm

Internally the input matrix is converted per chromosome to obs_exp matrix and consecutively to a Pearson matrix. Set this parameter to write the pearson matrix to a file.

--obsexpMatrix, -oem

Internally the input matrix is converted per chromosome to obs_exp matrix and consecutively to a Pearson matrix. Set this parameter to write the observe/expected matrix to a file.


Mask bins are usually set to 0. This option removes the masked bins before the PCA is computed. Attention: this will lead to empty PCA regions.

Default: False


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